Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It is Thanksgiving Eve Eve and I am starting to get anxious about our upcoming trip. I'm really excited to see my brother, sister and family but the 12 hour drive is beginning to feel daunting. Actually, I lied a little - the 12 hour drive home on Saturday night is beginning to feel daunting!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather is starting to turn cold but isn't quite there yet,  there is excitement in the air, and I have tons of family around! I love my family...every single one of them and I consider myself pretty lucky to have that.

The Herring side of my family (married in or not) is incredibly smart and talented. It is always fun during the holidays to hear about what they have been up to and what they are planning on doing in the next year. Trips oversees, working for some new incredible company, writing a novel...it never ends!

The Chialastri side of my family is amazing. They are the most loving people around - love to spend time together, funny, and really make the holidays fun. They have homes where you walk in and it just feels warm and inviting. Plus Grandma Fran has the best chocolate chip cookies around.

David is so excited to see his cousins and for Santa Claus to come. He is already picking all of the toys out that he is going to ask Santa Claus for. It helps make the holidays even more fun and exciting!

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