Per my last post I was going to work on getting better at blogging and I have obviously failed since it has been over 4 months. Brandy keeping up with her blogging has been inspirational plus it has been fun going back and reading all the old posts.
David is doing well, he's 21 months old now and a nonstop ball of energy. We have changed daycares twice in the last year. His first daycare provider had to move to Preston (30 min. the wrong way) and the second provider was just bad. We are now taking him to a daycare in Cloverfields and he adores it there. David thrives on being outside and he definitely gets it! If it is nice outside they don't come in except to take naps. There are kids in his age range (which he didn't get at the second provider) some younger, some older, some girls, some boys and it has been really good for him. We definitely miss going to Ms. Donna's though but we have gotten together a couple of times and plan on getting together again soon. It doesn't take long for him to remember who she is and jump in her lap :)
David started swim lessons last weekend in Severna Park. We did the same class last year when we was only 9 months old just to get him accustomed to the water since Dan's parents have a pool. He loves the water! Since last year he has learned how to put his mouth under water and not breathe in water, blow bubbles, and doggy paddle with his arms. The feet are still a no-go but I'm sure he'll figure it out soon.
Dan has started back at the gym. He's been going almost every night and has gotten Bobby to start going with him since the other guys that were supposed to be going have since backed out. He has already lost >5 lbs (the real number escapes me)!!
I bought a sewing machine with the gift cards I got for Christmas. I actually haven't had the opportunity to pull it out in a few weeks but prior to that I made a couple personalized burp clothes, a sleep sack for David, a MT Carrier and matching bag, and a pillow for David's big boy bed. The next project is going to be puzzle bags since I'm tired of searching for the pieces at the bottom of the toy box!
Hopefully this post will turn over a new leaf and cause me to post again soon!