I really can't believe a month has already flown by! David is doing really well, he is a very happy little boy and only gets fussy every once in a while. He is currently sleeping in our room in his bassinet and while the first week or so was rough it has gotten much better and I'm getting around 6 hours of sleep per night. Dan sleeps through everything and David isn't loud at night so his sleep hasn't been altered much.
Dan went back to work after 1 week and has been working late of some Tuesdays. While he isn't home during the day he definitely makes up for the lost time in the evenings - holding and playing with the baby so I can get some things done around the house. I started going back into the office last Friday for 4 hours a day. David goes with me and everyone loves him there...well how could they not it is my child after all! haha. It's nice to have a purpose during the day besides just Mommy but 4 hours per day is really an 8 hour day between getting us both up/dressed/ready to go and commuting and getting home and winding down. But he seems fine with it so we'll continue doing this for another 3 1/2 weeks.
David had his 1 month well baby checkup yesterday. The doctor said he is doing very well. He has a little cradle cap on his forehead and should clear up soon. Put him on the scale and he is weighing in at 12 pounds and is 23 inches long. That puts him in the 95th percentile or something so we are all thinking he's going to be pretty tall and must get that from the Chialastri side of things. He has another appointment at 2 months for some vaccines and I have insisted Dan go to that one since at today's appointment David crying broke my heart.
All in all the first month has gone really well - we are continuing to learn things about each other and everyday gets a little bit easier than the last. Hopefully I will get better about writing in the second month.